Healing. Clearing. Focus. Results. Truly YOU project. Live Authentic, inside and out. The time is NOW.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Focus on What's Important
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Is Hypnosis Safe & Will it Help Me?
Hypnotic trance is a natural state that we are in and out of periodically throughout our day. Any time that we are accessing our imagination... watching a compelling movie or television show... driving down the highway lost in thought... planning our lives in our heads with details and pictures, just like we are actually doing the activities... we are in a state of hypnosis. Therefore, ALL hypnosis is SELF hypnosis. A natural, safe, wonderful way to allow your conscious mind to rest and your subconscious mind to create!
Locked into our subconscious minds is everything that we have ever heard, seen, imagined, or interpreted. Our perspectives, at different times in our lives, can be very different. Remember when you were a little child and your uncle seemed so very big? And now, as an adult, you can recognize that he's actually a very small man. He didn't change, but your perspective of how you interpreted him, did change. We do this with all sorts of stuff. Something as innocent as overhearing your mother on the phone with someone when you are three years old, saying something to the effect of, "Oh yes, my girl is SUCH a fast learner!" This seems really innocent, doesn't it? A nice, positive thing to hear! Well... maybe. If this statement becomes locked into your subconscious mind as a truth about who you are and how you identify yourself in this world, what happens when you try to learn something new and you don't learn "fast"? Maybe the result is that you think you are a failure. You quit. You work even harder to prove that you are a fast learner. You feel like you've let down everyone. You get depressed and frustrated. You react full of blame and resentment. These are all potential fallout of a pleasant, innocuous comment made when you were three years old that you identified with.
As crazy as that scenario may sound, I see it happening in my practice time and again, in one form or the other. Sometimes, it's a negative comment that locks in. All of what we've heard, seen and learned is taken in through our personal perspective, and somewhere along the way, in our subconscious minds, we decide if it is true or false and then it dictates our behaviors, successes and failures, for the rest of our lives.
Unless we do something about it....
Hypnosis is a tool to do something about it. A qualified certified hypnotherapist should have the tools to help assess where your stumbling blocks are, and how to navigate the relaxation process to delve into your subconscious mind and help YOU to discover the different things that have come into your awareness throughout your life (and maybe before), and for YOU to create resolution and peace with.
So much healing can occur when you actually understand all of the internal motivating factors that have to do with who you choose to be in this world, and how to change the parts that aren't working for you.
Hypnosis is not a medium to let the devil in. It doesn't open you up to the "dark side" anymore than sleep does, or watching television, or meditation. Like I stated above, it is a natural state. When you work with a qualified, certified hypnotist or hypnotherapist, you will NEVER do anything or say anything that you do not (on some level) want to do or say. I like to explain it like this--you and your therapist are taking a trip. You are the driver and they are the navigator. You have handed them the map of where you would like to be directed, but at any given time, if you choose to turn left instead of right, YOU are in control and can do just that. A qualified therapist will help keep you on track based on the previously agreed upon plan, but ultimately, you are the boss and you get to exactly where you need to be, and what you are ready for, that day.
Now, allow yourself to relax into a transformative experience that is specially designed just for you and put your worries away! You'll love it!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
How We Identify with Ourselves Affects our Communication Skills
Isn't it fun when someone states the obvious in the first line of text? I'm laughing because it IS so obvious, and yet... it is a universal struggle. Even the best of us, who communicate for a living, struggle in our intimate relationships with effective communication.
Why, you may ask? Why is it so difficult?
Well, let's analyze it for a moment. We are all the same, and yet we are all different. Even within the same family structure, we are raised with different ideas about who we are, and who we aren't. This information is programmed into us from the time we are born. We're the pretty one, or the smart one, or the good athlete, or the slow-learner (or just plain stupid). We bring these imposed identities into our mindset and they radiate out of us, creating a filter which dictates our reactions in our communications and experiences. All on a subconscious level, that is.
Did you ever notice how easy it is to be triggered by someone when they say something that either validates or contradicts the imposed self identity? For example, you're in the grocery store and you ask a clerk where an item is and he goes on and on about what the item is and how it is best used in a know-it-all sort of way (probably just eager to share some passionate information), but you feel yourself pull up inside and get defensive, and maybe even snap at him, "I KNOW what it is! I just wanted to know where it was! I'm not stupid!" Whoa... you may think to yourself, "did I just way overreact or what?" And you did, because that part of your subconscious identity was threatened somehow by the imagined implied message that he thought you were stupid.
Lets take this to the full reality now. Each of us have these little programs running inside of us that make us react positively and sometimes negatively, to the world around us. As we become more enlightened, we learn that these are constructs that truly have nothing to do with our true selves, our higher selves. But, in the meantime, if most of us have these patterns running in the background, and they're all different, how do we communicate effectively with each other?
Here are some suggestions for you to start being conscious of your own programming so that you can start with yourself. And then, as the acceptance and understanding of self is developed, it becomes very easy to start recognizing the patterns in the people we communicate with the most frequently, and you can be conscious of communicating in a fashion that they will receive your message as accurately as possible, and maybe even more importantly, you will receive their message accurately also!
- Make a list of who you think you are in this world. IE: I am tall. I am blonde. I am smart. I am a hard worker. I am healthy. I am a good athlete. I am cranky in the mornings. I am ..................
- Now analyze this list to see how much is really in alignment with who you are, rather than what you do. IE: Using the statement, "I am a good athlete", I would extrapolate that I have been at times a good athlete, and that I can still fair well at most sports when I try them. However, when I look even deeper into my soul, I realize that I am able to manifest being a good athlete because all my life I was told how strong I was, capable, coordinated, etc... This incarnation has created a person who can be a good athlete, but who I truly am has absolutely nothing to do with athletics. If I never did anything sporty well again in my entire life, I would not cease being me.
- So, now that you've extracted the bottom line of who you are in this world, take it a step further. As you analyze your new data, and the beliefs that you've identified with, you may find that it's easier to see the way others' identify with themselves, using yourself as your model. You can now understand that some parts of your "identity" may not be obvious to others', and therefore others' may have parts that aren't obvious to you. And, how much of how we identify with ourselves is subconscious and constructed by others' that you have been in contact with in your life. And, the self-identity that they have, influenced who they decided that you were. You see this slippery slope, a vicious cycle of being human?
- Putting it together into a daily practice is necessary for success. Not to say that you will always be perfect at this, but just like when you are on a diet you have to remind yourself that you need to drink more water, eat smaller portions, eat more vegies, stay away from chocolate... hehehe... You have to do the same with your mindset. When you find yourself being reactive, ask yourself, "where is this reaction coming from? What part am I feeling threatened by? What is the person really trying to communicate to me?" Breathe. Be gentle with yourself. Allow yourself time to process. Journal your feelings, or use a little mini recorder to let your thoughts and feelings out. Open yourself up to healing and love, one thought at a time.
- It's much easier to be empathetic to your own and others' responses in life when you are able to get in touch with your identity, and the learnings that come from it. How much easier is it for you to be patient with someone in your conversations when you can understand that they too are taking in all the information you are sending their way and processing it through their filters, which have been constructed subconsciously, often by things outside of their control! Whew! Feels so good to let go now, doesn't it? People are going to hear you the way that they hear you, so the best way to communicate is by listening without letting yourself get triggered by their words, and responding as best you can from a space of love and acceptance.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Don't Should on Yourself
Much of this comes from social constructs. It's a topic that has been coming up a lot in my life lately, and in my clients' lives. From the time we are born, we are being taught what our society, family, and religious beliefs believe to be right and wrong, good and bad, acceptable and unacceptable.
That could mean that we dislike certain people or races because of the way that they look, even having never met a person of that race. It could mean that we decide that we are fat and ugly because we don't look like the covergirls on the magazines. Or, it could mean that we choose to not be in uniquely defined relationships because they aren't the same as everyone else's.
When did we decide that other people's ideas were more valuable than our own? Why do we as a human race, tend to put people on pedestals, and often take pleasure in seeing them fall off? We are all perfectly imperfect. I may have something wonderfully profound to say one moment and something completely ridiculous the next. Am I insightful or an idiot? Can I be both? Can't we all?
So, I thought and I thought on this and I realized that for my truth, I can see that we are all connected and we are all doing our very best, as often as we can, to live in harmony with one another and we need some structure to help that along. What we don't need, however, is judgments upon one another when we do things that are different. Sure, lets go ahead and judge a little when someone harms another, or says mean, spiteful things. But judging who one chooses to love and how they choose to express their love, is pointless and negative. How we choose to decorate our home, keep stuff, toss stuff, exercise, be lazy, dance in public, or pretend to be a mime--this all should be moot. A topic for an interesting conversation, and a reflection of ourselves and how we choose to live, perhaps even the "why" around it, but not the negative judgment that is so often made.
Next time you notice thoughts of "should" (should do this, or should've done that), explore where they come from. Is the "should" really in alignment with YOUR core beliefs and values? Or is it a social construct that you "should" do only because you've been programmed that if you don't do it that you're doing something wrong or bad? Who decided that it's wrong or bad? Check in with your gut. Is it hurting yourself or others? If the "should" isn't in alignment with your values and it isn't hurting anyone to not do it, or to do it differently, then perhaps it's time to let go of the "should".
Someone once told me a long time ago, "Don't should on yourself". And, I think he was on to something. If you decide that you should have done the "should", then extrapolate the learning and apply it to your life immediately so you don't repeat the cycle. And, perhaps apologize to someone too, if applicable.
The bottom line is this, when we check in with ourselves, and we move through life as often as possible from a place of love, the "should's" just disappear. Explore the possibilities!
Oh! I almost forgot! A wonderful side effect of dumping the social constructs and "should's", is FREEDOM! And the anxiety melts away like snow in the spring! Enjoy the peace!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Open Your Eyes and See
Monday, March 26, 2012
Let Your Love Light Shine!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, BOINK!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 15
Monday, February 20, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 14
Sunday, February 19, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 13
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 12
Friday, February 17, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 11
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 10
1. I keep my mind and thoughts off “this world” and I place my entire focus on God within as the only Cause of my prosperity. I acknowledge the Inner Presence as the only activity in my financial affairs, as the substance of all things visible. I place my faith in the Principle of Abundance in action within me. ~Exert from The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price
I feel pretty clear right now. There are a few places within me that I sense are not in alignment with this as a complete belief. I trust that I am taken care of, but I'm still feeling like I need to do my part, and that is the "action" component.
Yesterday I finished my part finally of a long, laborious task; working towards amending a frustrating hospital bill. This has been quite daunting to me, stressing both my body and soul. Now that the required paperwork is done and in their hands, I can let it go... let the Universe take care of the bill and I don't have to worry about it anymore.
F For some reason, I have felt like part of this process of owning my eternal rights to Abundance, comes with freeing all the binds that material bills, taxes, and incidentals have on me. Specifically, anything that resembles "stuck" energy. This aspect of Abundance feels clear now and I can just let go of any expectation or anxiety and let the energy of money flow.
All the other aspects of Abundance is feeling really, really good right now. My relationship with my teenage son is really healthy and happy. My relationships in general have been good. I feel motivated and enjoying my work. And, I may be even creating a new romantic relationship....
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 9
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 8
Sunday, February 12, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 7
Saturday, February 11, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 6
1. My inner supply instantly and constantly takes on form and experience according to my needs and desires, and as the Principle of Supply in action, it is impossible for me to have any needs or unfulfilled desires. ~ exert from The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price
I I went shopping today, not for anything specific, but mostly just to move the energy around.... I'm giggling a little right now because I think that's the first time I've ever used that excuse before to go shopping! I bought a few little things here and there, and each time I made it to the register, the prices were discounted even more! It was a fun experiment of shopping and supply in action!
I'm finding that I'm not processing these last few statements as verbally as the first couple. I guess I feel somewhat like I would be redundant, as I'm actively trying to live with these principles deep within me, flowing out of me. The laws of cause and effect are naturally occurring internally and externally.
Friday, February 10, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 5
Thursday, February 9, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 4
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 3
"I'm conscious of the Inner Presence as my lavish Abundance. I am conscious of the constant activity of this Mind of infinite Prosperity. Therefore, my consciousness is filled with the Light of Truth." exert taken from The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price.
Today was an interesting day, filled with lots of introspection and poignant conversation with a dear friend. I feel as if I am hyper-analyzing my thoughts, feelings, and reactions of the reality I am creating. Catching myself when I'm not remembering who I truly am, and calling myself out on it. And then, teaching myself to let it go. To not hold too tightly to what I think I may be doing "wrong", but rather acknowledging how I can have a better experience by making a different choice next time, and then being done with it. It feels very freeing. I'm beginning to understand on a deeper level that Prosperity and Abundance have everything to do with my inner representation. In fact, that may be the only factor that ultimately matters. The "Inner" therefore, creates the "Outer". This is my beacon. My Light of Truth that I must follow as I create my reality, as I create my "Lavish Abundance".
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
The Abundance Experiment, Day 2
"" I lift up my mind and heart to be aware, to understand, and to know that the Divine Presence I AM is the Source and Substance of all my good." -John Randolph Price, exert from The Abundance Book.
The Divine Presence I AM... I think that that is the Source and Substance of ALL. Good and Bad, those judgments that I put on circumstances within my perspective. Everything the Universe puts in my path is for my very best. Some things may be interpreted as "bad" by me, and others as "good", but ultimately all for my BEST.