Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Rear View Mirror

There are times in our lives when life just scurries along, task after task, detail after detail, and there isn’t much time or energy left over for introspection or analysis. And, occasionally, you may find yourself in that moment, sometimes after a trigger event, where all you are able to do is analyze and inspect your life and the direction it is going. Other times, the catalyst to look at your life is the end of the old year, and the hopeful beginning of a New Year.

It is now January, 2018. 2017 is only seen through the foggy rear-view mirror of our memories. Let's take a moment to reflect on that.

What comes to mind when you think of 2017? What do you look back upon and smile at the memory? What makes you wince with regret or remorse? Who were the major players in your life? Which people supported you in your journey? Who played the role of saboteurs? 

What decisions created positive results in your life? What decisions did you make that snowballed into consequences that created more challenges?

What if I told you that all of it, the good, bad and ugly, were incredibly important in your mission to grow and expand your consciousness? Life sometimes sucks, doesn't it? And, when it's sucking, it's hard to see the beautiful, treasured, empowered aspects that keep us on this side of the dirt.

So, for today, let's suspend disbelief and just pretend that everything that happens to us is for our benefit. What does that feel like? Maybe you could even check in with what it may look like? What does your life look like when you accept the idea that everything happens for your benefit?

How does that change your story? How does it feel to have your story change? What part of you needs to change now, in order for your story to work and be congruent with your evolving self?

What happens if you decide to not change? What is still working in your life and what do you perhaps now recognize, that isn't working? What would it be like for you to change a bit to make room for the shift and growth to happen?

Yes! It absolutely can be uncomfortable! Yes, it may hurt, in some ways, yourself or others. Yes, you may need to be alone for a while. Yes, you may need to sit with some feelings that arise, maybe even process those feelings with a professional. And, trust me when I tell you, it's worth it. What you learn and take away from moving through difficult change and constructive self-reflection is so powerful that you will almost forget how painful your experience was. 

Like childbirth... the baby is such a glorious gift that we, on some level, forget how incredibly stressful and painful many of our birthing experiences are. And so, we have another, and perhaps another, each time in the moment of labor, remembering the previous labor and laugh/crying about how stupid we are for torturing ourselves again! But, the product of the torture is exquisite. And, worth it.

And, so is this process of owning your life, for good and for bad, reflecting on it, and then allowing yourself the grace and expansion to learn from all of it, and move forward.

And, speaking of moving forward, if you would like to dive into a super-fun and life-expanding day of creation and exploration, I am having a one day workshop on January 27, 2018 at Essential Space in Santa Cruz, CA. The class is limited to 20 participants. We will be creating Vision Journals for the year 2018. Exploring the Physical, Emotional, Mental, and Spiritual goals and dreams that are ready to be manifested! We will map out a concrete plan, clear blocks, and dive into our artistic selves with pens, papers and paints, pictures, magazines and word bites to bring all of the power of creation into form. A magical day of support and creation, what can be better? No experience necessary. All are welcome!